Creating and Publishing Blogs | How to make a Blog

Creating and Publishing Blogs | How to make a Blog: Do you want to publish information on the World Wide Web to express yourself, share your knowledge, and allow the readers to comment on what you post? If the answer is ‘yes’, then it is possible for you to make your global presence felt on the internet when you write a blog. A person who writes a blog is called a Blogger. A blogger does not need any prior knowledge of programming to write a blog.

A blog is a combination of the words web and log. A log is an official record of events or diary of information. For example, a teacher maintains a ‘Teacher’s Log’ to record the daily activities that are carried out in a classroom. A blog on the other hand, is a frequently updated, online, personal journal, or diary where a person can log (write or post) information related to his interests or activities, express his ideas or opinions or share his knowledge through writing articles on specific topics.

There are various websites that offer blog services for free. Some of them are:

Important Features of a Blog

  • An internet connection is required to publish a blog; however, a blog can also be written offline and uploaded on the internet when the connection is available.
  • A blogger can interact with the readers by answering their questions and regularly updating the contents after the readers have given comments related to the blog. This enables him/her to establish trust with his/her readers.
  • To write a blog, you need a blogging tool. There are many such tools available on the internet, i.e.,,, etc. However, WordPress is an online, and one of the most popular open source website/blog creation tool, which is versatile and quite simple to use. It offers both paid and free services. It allows you to make a website or a blog in the shortest possible time.
  • Blogs can be written on any topic. They could be related to business, education, legal, travel, marketing, advertising, health, sports, etc.
  • Blogs may contain text and pictures but videos and even audios can also be added to give more information about the topic. Most blogs are free for public but some bloggers may ask the readers to register to access their content. They earn money by writing blogs.
  • Blogs can have more than one page and the front page is the page posted last.

Points to remember while writing a blog

  • Understand your target audience. Have a clear understanding of their interest and what they want to know about.
  • Select an engaging topic and give an interesting title to it. A prominent headline is the key to attract people towards your blog.
  • Make sure that the blog is well structured.
  • Organise your contents – header, body of the text, and footer in a well-formatted structure.
  • A blog should be written in a lucid language.
  • Before posting a blog, make sure to edit/proofread it, and fix its formatting.
  • Insert a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of every blog post. A CTA indicates what you want the reader to do next. CTAs like, subscribe to your blog, download an eBook, read a related article, or comment, are the most popular ones.
  • Use social media portals, like Facebook, Instagram, etc. to make your blog popular. This method of marketing offers a huge potential.

How to make a Blog with WordPress

  • Making a WordPress Account
  • Making a Blog Post
  • Publishing a Blog

Making a WordPress Account

WordPress is a free Content Management System (CMS) that is used to create websites or blogs. It provides dozens of customisable designs and themes that help you to beautify your blog and make it look attractive. Follow these steps to make a WordPress account:

  • Open the browser (Chrome/Firefox) window. In the Address bar, type the URL and press Enter.
  • The home page of the website appears. Select the Products tab and then choose the option Blogs.
  • Choose Start your blog.
  • To create your WordPress account, click on the Get Started button displayed on the top-right corner of the screen.

The Let’s get started screen appears as shown in the Image.

Making a WordPress Account, How to create a blog with WordPress
Making a WordPress Account

Enter your email address, username, and password to create a new account. OR You can also continue with your existing Google or Apple account.

The next screen appears, where you can enter a domain name of your choice. If you want to create an account for free, WordPress gives you an account name related to your entered choice.

Choosing a Domain for WordPress Blog, How to create a blog with WordPress
Choosing a Domain for WordPress Blog
  • Click on Select as shown in the above image to create an account for free.
  • The next screen offers you to choose a plan.

To create a site for free, choose Start with a free site as shown in the image below.

Choose free WordPress plan, How to create a blog with WordPress
Choose free WordPress plan

The next screen opens these webpages as shown in below image. To Share your ideas with the world. 1. Click on Start Writing button, that is right side of the Write.

2. Next window opens that tells us to provide Your Blog Name & Tagline (optional). so, Give Your WordPress Blog a Name and click continue.

Giving WordPress Blog a Name, How to create a blog with WordPress
Giving Your WordPress Blog a Name

Making a Blog Post

After creating a blog, you need to create a post. To create your first blog post, do the following:

  • On your Homepage, click on the Write button to start making your first blog post.
  • Give a Title to your blog, and start writing the content. The text formatting tools appear as you type the text. You can choose them to format your text as you do while working on any word processor.
Making a WordPress Blog Post, How to create a blog with WordPress
Making a WordPress Blog Post
  • Using the free plan from WordPress, you can store up to 3 GB of media in your gallery. To upload media, click on the Add button, a drop-down list appears.
  • You can add audio, video, image, and many other types of files to your blog.

Publishing a Blog

After finishing up with the content, publish your blog to make it live.

  • Click on Publish from the top-right corner of the window.
  • Check the visibility of your blog. You can choose to make it Public, Private, or Password Protected.

Click on Publish button, and your blog goes live. You can view your blog online and/or copy the blog link.

Publish WordPress Blog, How to create a blog with WordPress

The blog when opened online looks like as shown.

View WordPress Blog, How to create a blog with WordPress


I hope You understood Creating and Publishing Blogs | How to make a Blog with WordPress. If you liked my blog do share with your friends and people you know with Below share buttons. If you have any doubts or questions, you can ask me in comments.

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